Archive for May, 2009

Thursday 5/28 in Ulduar

May 30, 2009

Well its been a rough week here at Duranub the amount of wipes and time i spent face tanking have taken me back to the good old days of smacking my face against Vael heh. But what can I say, I must be a glutton for punishment because I LOVED the Vael fight and I’m loving the progression fights and the wipes, the frustrations, the “lets try this this time” mentality, and the sweet sweet rush of jubilence of finally downing a boss for the first time… Some of my greatest memories in game were when we would first down a new boss, especially if it was a boss we had been working on for a while and having trouble with. When NSR first downed Nef in BWL, I remember how for a second there was a stunned silence then everyone shouting and cheering over vent about it.

I have a confession to make, farmed content bores the ever loving life out of me. I have a harder time making myself go on a night when its going to be the same old thing raid after raid. One of the things that I hated about Naxx so much was the fact that it was so easy and well… boring. There was little or no challenge to it and once you did it and learned all of the patterns and tricks it was possible to sleep walk through it. I mean the hardest thing in Naxx was watching out the polarity shift. You see the thing is I have a short attention span… a VERY short attention span. If the fight isn’t something that i can just face roll through without paying anything more than the very least amount of attention, then i have to watch out for that piece of tin foil on my desk because I’m sure that I will find something much more interesting in the foil than in the fight. Bel, I’m sure this is going to make you a sad panda and think that I hate freedom, but I would much rather spend the night wiping over and over again learning a new fight than just doing the same old farmed content that I could bring in a way under geared alt into.

OK now where was I, oh yeah Thursday night in Ulduar. Well after fun we had with XT-002 on Tuesday, we decided to have a warm up boss killing with Razor Scale. Ummm yeah we got warmed….so did the guards there…and the floor…with us… Well to make a long story short it took us 3 times to finally down Razor. There was some grumbling and murmuring about it taking 3 tries to down a boss that we did in one try the last few times, but a win is a win I say. On the bright side I did end up getting a bright and shiny new pair of pants.


Now I would just like to say that the jumping giants and there bouncing balls have made my list of most annoying trash. The roar sucks, the Super Mario Bros. impersonation is ummm hard on the neck and back… but that d@mn ball that he lets loose… three tries to kill two of them and each time i ended up tanking the floor lol. Kologarn is a blast, nuff said. its a frantic fun fight that you have to stay focused on. Between the eye beams, the sweeping arm, the adds being scoped up and tossed across the room and switching targets, I was a very happy hunter. We didn’t down him last night, but we got him down to ten percent. Not to Shabby for our first night going after the big guy.

All in all the week started to shape up on Thursday after a bad night on Tuesday. We are still struggling, and at times it feels like we aren’t making any progress. On nights like the ones we’ve had recently, it really feels like we’ve been smacking our heads against a brick wall. It’s kind of painful at times but with enough people bashing their collective heads against that brick wall we can smash that wall like it was rice paper, and if there’s one thing that we are is a durable bunch of nubs….

A Little Bit About Me

May 30, 2009

Finally finished the about me page. Feel free to head on over and let me know what you think. 🙂

Tuesday 5/26 in Ulduar

May 28, 2009

Well another Tuesday in Ulduar has come and gone for Duranub and it was a little on the rough side. We one shot Flame Leviathan without much difficulty and got another achievement down.



Then the fun really began. XT-002 Deconstructor. I ended up being the puller as our main puller wasn’t there. Everything started out great, the pull went off fine, he was positioned fine, everyone went to their places… then we some how pulled the Super Secret Boss… Lag Beast… Ugh. Now we have downed XT several times already and one shot him last week which i guess is why this week it sucked so badly, it took us almost all night to down her. The wipes were bad and tempers started flaring. Lag Beast kept agrroing one of our shamans whenever he would get hit with Light Bombs causing him to just stand there for several seconds before he would move. Now I know this wasn’t is fault and eventually he found out that his copy of Deadly Boss Mods was corrupted and he was able to fix the problem.

Now if that would have been the only problem we would have been fine after just a few wipes, but it wasn’t. The other big issue that it seems we were having, and  its not the first time either, is situational awareness. Now I know I’m not the best hunter out there, and I know I’ve been distracted by bright shiny objects before and I will be again, but come on it gets ridiculous  when it keeps happening over and over again. So we tried a few different ideas including clumping up in one group… well that ended very fast heh. Finally we did down XT after much pain and suffering. How did I do on Tuesday you might ask, well not too good actually between being the roving bomb squad and all the wipes…

  recount 528

Well tonight is our next raid and we’re off to try Kologarn next. Until next time guys.

Game fuel

May 27, 2009

Quick like bunny it’s the new game fuel link

Welcome to Out Of Ammo

May 22, 2009

Hi everybody, I’m still playing around with everything on the site and getting everything set up. This is my first ever blog and I figured I would write about something that I enjoy, and that’s playing a hunter in Warcraft.

I’m a proud member of the Duranub Raiding Company and I can’t say that there is any raid group that I would feel more at home in.