Posts Tagged ‘Warcraft’

The Future Looks Bright

November 10, 2013

So Blizzcon is winding down as write this. Once again I didn’t get to go to Anaheim,  so I got the Virtual Ticket again. I’m not complaining, I enjoy being able to watch all the parts when I want to.
So the big news is the new expansion for Warcraft,  Warlords of Draenor.
Holy crap! That’s all I have to say. It looks like Blizz is finally listening to what the players want. So where do I begin. Housing,  new collections, stat squish, changes to armor, and so much more.

The new housing feature, garrisons, lets start there. Blizzard knows how to do things bigger and better than most other game companies do. We are getting more than just a little house, or a dimension. We are getting a towm, or a garrison to grow and stay in. Followers and professions all there for us. Our followers can go on quests, raids, and so much more.

We are going to be going through the big stat squish also. Don’t panic though, while our stats and damage will be smaller,  it will still stay the same in terms of effect.

Armor is going to go through some major changes. No more agility verses wisdom mail. It will juat be mail…or cloth…or plate…or leather. That’s right, the armor will automatically adjust to your current spec. It doesn’t matter if you go from being an elemental to an enhancement shaman, the gear will adjust. This auto adjustment will happen with tier gear also based on your spec. The stats are changing also. Hit, expertise, dodge and parry all gone. Reforging is going away too.

There’s more to come, I juat haven’t had a chance to watch the rest of Blizzcon yet, so keep an eye out for more of what I think of WoD and the rest of all the new things that Blizzard is doing.

Back In Action

September 10, 2012

What a glorious weekend it was. I can honestly say that this last weekend was the best in a long time. We started Thursday by spending the day finishing up the last seven of our day of the dead bracelets, and soldering several tile necklaces. Now all I have to do is get the pictures taken so we can get them up and listed. So hopefully we will have them up next weekend. From there it got better.

She’s Back
Then Friday came. Now Wife has been hinting to me that she might want to start playing WoW again. Needless to say, I was thrilled with the idea. Then it happened. While we were packing up the orders I had to run up to the post office, she said that when I got back, she wanted to hop on WoW and start playing again.
That’s right. She wanted to hit 85 on her toon, Gweninuu, before MoP came out.
I don’t think I ever packed that many packages and made it to the post office that fast. So after getting her up and going we set up her talents and off we went. We were gonna head to BWL but when we got there turns out you still need to be attuned to it. So off we went to UBRS. Burned through it as fast as two hunter can. Killed the General. Lo and behold… I forget to have her pick up the quest from the Quartermaster outside… So out we go, find and the Quartermaster, run back to the orb, and she’s finally attuned. Needless to say we still didn’t get past Razorgore.
So we stopped doing BWL for now. So she decided she wanted to start leveling from 80 to 85. In less than a day we got Wife and my shaman from 80 to 82, and got the achievement for 115 quests in Mt. Hyjal.
So now we’re working on Deepholme, and having a blast doing it. We set up Mumble on her computer, so while I’m at lunch, we can knock out a few quests each day I’m at work.
All I can say is it’s great to hop on the game with her again, and that she’s having fun playing WoW again.
So off we go, getting our toons to 85 so we can be ready for MoP to land on the 25th. So until next time don’t forget to reload, so you don’t run out of ammo.

Fall Cleaning Time

September 5, 2012

Ok, I noticed something over the weekend. My blog roll. It’s well…kinda empty. Most of the blogs are dead, dying or aren’t around anymore. So yeah I need to clean it up, trim it down, and freshen it up.
Oh and I want to welcome Pike back WoW blogosphere.