Archive for August 4th, 2010

Taking A Break For A Bit

August 4, 2010

So it’s official. As of to day, I’ve stopped raiding with DRC, for now. I’ve ran in to some health issues, and they’ve forced me to start seeing a neurologist. He thinks that my lack of sleep, plus stress, and my blood pressure going through the roof, are making my migraines worse than ever. So I had to make a choice about my life and making a change to make my life better, and help keep me sane…er. So on top of that, we’re going through the yearly shift shuffle at work, and I’m going to be changing my days off and hours.
So I do plan on raiding again, if I’m feeling better after I start my new shift in September. IF I do start raiding again, I hope it will be with DRC. If I’m not able to raid on their schedule, then I wish them the best. Then it looks like I’ll be forced to look for another guild or raid group, and hope I get as lucky as I did with DRC and House Stalwart. So until next time don’t forget to reload, so you don’t run out of ammo.